Things for which I'm thankful (in no particular order):
-Life. Chemo sucks and I may be bald, but sometimes it takes cancer to teach a person that every single day is, in fact, a gift. Living is really quite preferable to the alternative.
-Prayers, warm fuzzy thoughts, and good vibes. All of these things are helping me heal, and they're sent by all of you. Thank you.
-You. Friends, family and kind strangers. A person doesn't realize how amazing people are until something bad happens. I seem to know some of the best people around. Thank you.
-My husband. This guy falls into the above category, but he's sort of special. Not only is he the hardest working poli sci nerd around, when I tell him to put the laptop away and give me attention, he does it (and I'm awfully needy these days).
-My cat. This little guy hangs out with me all day, every day. He is the object of forced snuggles and patronizing baby talk, yet he keeps the complaints to a minimum. That's what I call good company.
-Modern medicine. The fact that I can put poison into my body to kill off cancer cells and only suffer minimal side effects is completely crazy to me. Kudos to you, docs and researchers. I don't get it at all, but I am grateful.
-Wigs. Because being bald sometimes gets old.
-Insurance. Because cancer is really, really expensive.
-Test Results. The results of my BRCA 1 & BRCA 2 genetic tests came back negative, which means there was no genetic mutation found. This is good news not only for me, but also for those who share genes with me.
That is really just the tip of the iceberg. I have so very much to be thankful for right now. I hope you all are able to spend the holiday with people you love.
We're thankful for you, Joyce! I am constantly amazed at your positive attitude through all of this. It's inspiring to read your blog posts about all you are doing to overcome this. :)